That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen
The Unintended Consequences of Government Spending
Автор(и) : Frédéric Bastiat
Издател : Waking Lion Press
Място на издаване : West Valley City, UT, USA
Година на издаване : 2006
ISBN : 978-1-600-96056-7
Брой страници : 47
Език : английски
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One of M. Frederic Bastiat's most influential essays, "That Which Is Seen and That Which is Not Seen" details the way in which economic truths are gained - by looking at the whole picture. Bastiat proposes that that which is not seen is often the less desirable side of the issue, and so should be examined when making laws or economic decisions. This essay holds particular weight in our current state of affairs, and should be examined for its uncovering of government spending practices.
"If the window had not been broken, the shoemaker's trade (or some other) would have been encouraged to the amount of six francs: this is that which is not seen.
And if that which is not seen is taken into consideration, because it is a negative fact, as well as that which is seen, because it is a positive fact, it will be understood that neither industry in general, nor the sum total of national labor, is affected, whether windows are broken or not."
Frédéric Bastiat
Frédéric Bastiat was born in Bayonne in 1801, and died in Rome in 1850. He spent the better part of his last years in Paris, as the editor of "Le Journal des Economistes", and from 1848, as a member of Parliament. As an economist, gifted with a very clear mind and a devastating sense of humor, he renewed the Economic science of his time by developing it from the standpoint of the consumer, i.e. the people. He was the tireless apostle of freedom of exchange and freedom of choice by individuals, without constraints or subsidies. His works are as fresh and relevant today as they were 150 years ago, and his numerous predictions about the evolution of Institutions and Societies have invariably come true. As a philosopher, he was the precursor of many present day Libertarians, building normative ethics on the foundations of individual liberty and responsibility. As a local judge, he was a paragon of efficiency and equity. As a politician with a great foresight, he was an advocate of minimum government, and fought against the indefinite extension of public expenditure. He criticized colonial expeditions and slavery. He argued for the separation of powers, for preventing MPs from being ministers at the same time, and for limiting the number of civil servants in the Assembly. He was for a greater participation of women in politics. His major writings are “The Law”, “The State”, “Economic Sophisms”, “What Is Seen And What Is Not Seen”, “Economic Harmonies”. They have been translated into many languages.
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