Мемоари. Биографии. Автобиографии

The Age of Turbulence

Adventures in a New World

Автор(и) : Alan Greenspan

Издател : Penguin Group

Място на издаване : London, UK

Година на издаване : 2007

ISBN : 978-0-713-99982-2

Брой страници : 531

Език : английски


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"The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World," by Alan Greenspan is two books in one. The first half of this work is an autobiographical chronology of the author's life. This portion of the text permits readers a view of the people and circumstances that helped shape and guide Greenspan. From hours of clarinet and saxophone practice as a child, to living room philosophy with Ayn Rand, his major influences are all detailed.
The second half of the book retells several major economic events (primarily within the U.S.) that have occurred over the past half century. His economic endeavors and personal observations while serving under various U.S. Presidents are detailed, and often inter-mingled with these events. The latter half of the book also includes an analysis and brief history of major global economic constructs (of yesterday and today), along with a somewhat subjective measure of their success (or lack thereof). The economic systems discussed include Marxist Communism, Populism, and various mutations of Market Capitalism.

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