Through four previous editions The Economics of European Integration by Willem Molle has established itself as a preferred textbook for students of the economics of the EU as well as a reliable reference work for those with a professional interest in the European Union.
Carefully revised, this fifth edition takes into account changes in course requirements, new statistical information, and recent policy developments. It includes new material on:
– the ongoing integration of the New Member States and the new forms of association with accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe;
– the implementation of the Monetary Union and the performance of the euro;
– the EU experience as a guide for the economic integration of other regions and for the improvement of world economic governance.
Written in a clear style and combining original insights with authoritative analysis, this new edition will further enhance the book's reputation for providing the ideal introduction to the economics of the European Union.
'Like its predecessors, this edition provides a thorough and economically literate account of European integration. It is an invaluable source for both reference and teaching, and the new material in this edition is particularly commended.' - Alan Winters, University of Sussex, UK, and Director, Development Research Group, The World Bank, USA
'The great merit of Professor Molle's work is he clarity of his writing, simplifying even the most complex notions, which he explains with a kind of economic literacy often missing in works of this kind. It is a teaching aid that has now attained an enviable track record as an authoritative and comprehensive introduction to this important topic.' - Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Willem Molle
Willem Molle is Professor at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
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