Природо-математически науки

The Grammar of Science

Автор(и) : Karl Pearson

Издател : Adamant Media Corporation

Място на издаване : London, UK

Година на издаване : 2006

ISBN : 978-0-54389-021-4

Брой страници : 493

Език : английски


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The Grammar of Science is a book by Karl Pearson first published in hardback in 1892. In 1900, the second edition, published by Adam & Charles Black, appeared. The third, revised, edition was also published by Adam & Charles Black in 1911. It was recommended by Einstein to his friends of the Olympia Academy. Several themes were covered in this book that later became part of the theories of Einstein and other scientists, such as:
 the relatively of motion to a frame of reference (fixed stars),
 the equivalence of ""matter"" and energy,
 physics as geometry,
 the non-existence of the ether,
 the importance of creative imagination rather than mere fact-gathering,
 antimatter,
 fourth dimension,
 wrinkles in space,
 molecular relative position and motion, and
 motion of corpuscles as relative motion in a field.
The book is a major statement of the language, method, and concepts of the physical sciences, this volume traces the history of experimental investigation and efforts of philosophic minds to state and organize their findings.
This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1892 edition by Walter Scott, London.

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