Обществено-политически науки

The Role of Civil Society in Containing Corruption at the Municipal Level

Discussion papers, № 10

Автор(и) : Juliet S. Gole

Издател : Open Society Institute

Място на издаване : Budapest, Hungary

Година на издаване : 1999

Брой страници : 48

Език : Английски


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This publication provides a summary of the results of a regional conference of Transparency International Representatives in Slovakia, 1999. Acknowledging that local level corruption has come to have growing impact on the lives of citizens, the paper provides some insights into the fight against corruption and improvement of services at the municipal level.

The paper is structured in three parts. It beings by presenting the declaration for municipal reform which was developed by the conference participants. This section also includes suggested guidelines for fighting local level corruption and improving municipal service delivery. Though these guidelines are proposed for TI Chapters and the civil society, they can be found useful by other stakeholders – individuals as well as organizations. The second part is a more detailed description of the model outlining the various steps in the identification and implementation process. The third part consists of conference proceedings and explanatory notes.

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