
The Truth

What Every Roman Catholic Should Know About the Orthodox Church

Автор(и) : Clark Carlton

Издател : Regina Orthodox Press

Място на издаване : Salisbury, MA, USA

Година на издаване : 1999

ISBN : 978-0-964-91418-6

Брой страници : 270

Език : английски


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Pope Benedict XVI, when he was at the Italian Eucharistic Congress in Bari, Italy, again called for more dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches. This book by Clark Carlton will show what keeps the Churches separate. Carlton has a Masters of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he studied under Fr. John Meyendorff, a noted Orthodox author, and he has an MA in early Christian studies from the Catholic University of America. He is a convert from the Southern Baptist Church to Orthodoxy. He is presently an adjunct in philosophy at the Tennessee Technology University while working on his Ph.D.

The reader will pick up quickly what the author and others see as keeping the two Churches separate. Not all Orthodox are opposed to unity, though. Carlton discusses the reasons for which some Orthodox see as roadblocks to unity, unless something drastic changes on the part of the Roman Catholics. He goes into length about these topics - the Filioque controversy, the papacy, differences on Marian doctrine or dogma, how salvation comes about, purgatory, and more.

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