
The Uncertain Promise of Retiree Health Benefits

An evolution of corporate obligations

Автор(и) : Mark Warshawsky

Издател : Тhe AEI Press

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1992

ISBN : 0-8447-7011-6

Брой страници : 194

Език : Английски


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The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) established a federal program to insure that an employee received promised pension benefits when the employee's pension plan is underfunded. Unfortunately, the protections provided by ERISA do not extend to retiree health benefits. With the aging of the working population and the rising cost of health care, employers are questioning their ability to continue offering retiree health benefits at the level which had been provided in the past. The central issue of this book is the certainty of the promise of retiree health benefits.

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