Thinking the Unthinkable: From Thought to Policy
The Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Government Strategy; Experiences from Central and Eastern Europe
Автор(и) : collective
Издател : United Nations Development Programme. Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Място на издаване : Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Година на издаване : 2003
ISBN : 92-990011-7-0
Брой страници : 236
Език : английски
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The Challenges of constructing effective governance systems in Central and South Eastern Europe during the past decade have been extensive. This publication looks at the linkages between these challenges and the experiences and best practices that have emerged, including the contributions of think tanks to government capacity. It is divided into three sections. The first part reviews a number of tools that can be used to stimulate a more institutionalized strategic thinking process in governments, using both the available capacities inside government structures and the inputs by civil society organizations. The second part reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of civil society organizations and think tanks as providers of inputs to policy makers. In it third and final part the publication includes a case study of the application of Early Warning System as a specific tool to bring together government and civil society capacities in the context of South Eastern Europe.
The UNDP defines think tanks as “organizations engaged on a regular basis in research and advocacy on any matter related to public policy. They are the bridge between knowledge and power in modern democracies” (UNDP 2003: 6). The term “think tank” defies exact definition, as the organizations in different parts of the world that appear under the term vary considerably in size, legal form, policy domain, organizational structure, standards of inquiry, and political significance. “The phrase ‘think tank’ has become ubiquitous—overworked and underspecified—in the political lexicon. As think tanks proliferated around the world, traditional definitions have been stretched beyond their original meaning and US-inspired taxonomies have lost their relevance” .