Transition countries in the first quarter 1998 : widening gap between fast and slow reformers
Research reports, № 248
Автор(и) : Dariusz K. Rosati
Издател : WIIW
Място на издаване : Bratislava, Slovakia
Година на издаване : 1998
Брой страници : 80
Език : английски
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Dariusz K. Rosati
Dariusz K. Rosati is a professor of international economics at Warsaw School of Economics, from which he graduated in 1969. He is a former Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs (1995-97), and has been a Member of the European Parliament (2004-09), a member of the Monetary Policy Committee, National Bank of Poland (1998-2004), and was head of the Transition Economies Section, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (1991-95). He has also worked with Citibank in New York and was a Fulbright Scholar at Princeton. He has published extensively, including books on international trade and finance, European integration, economic policy and reforms in transition countries.