Икономическа политика

Why Iceland?

How One of the World's Smallest Countries Became the Meltdown's Biggest Casualty

Автор(и) : Ásgeir Jónsson

Издател : McGraw-Hill

Място на издаване : USA

Година на издаване : 2009

ISBN : 978-0-07-163284-3

Брой страници : 230

Език : английски


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"Why Iceland?" is the inside account of one of the economic meltdown's most fascinating and far-reaching tragedies. As Chief Economist of Kaupthing Bank, the country's largest bank before the collapse, Asgeir Jonsson is perfectly suited to examine Iceland's collapse in painstaking detail. He witnessed behind-the-scenes events firsthand, such as an intriguing meeting in January 2008 when a group of international hedge fund managers gathered in a bar in Reykjavik to discuss Iceland's economy ‘an informal affair that eventually became the center of a criminal investigation by the country's Financial Supervisory Authority.

This inside account examines the pressing issues behind history's biggest banking collapse:
• How did Iceland transform itself from one of Europe's poorest to one of its wealthiest countries?
• What happened to cause the destruction of the nation's banking industry during a single week of October 2008?
• Was it the result of a speculation 'attack' by hedge funds on the nation's currency?

Why Iceland? provides the who, what, where, and when of Iceland's demise, serving as a fascinating read and providing the understanding necessary for forecasting when and where the aftershocks will shake up markets in other parts of the world.

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