Международни икономически отношения

World Trade and Payments: An Introduction

Second Edition

Автор(и) : Richard E. Caves, Ronald W. Jones

Издател : Little, Brown and Compony

Място на издаване : London, UK

Година на издаване : 1977

Брой страници : 470

Език : английски


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Резервираната от вас книга ще бъде пазена до 2 работни дни след избраната дата, след което ще бъде освободена за по-нататъшно резервиране. Съгласувайте с работното време на Библиотеката!

Описание на книгата Откъс от книгата За автора

This new edition of World Trade and Payments retains those features that have made it such a highly respected and successful text. Once again it offers clear coverage of sophisticated models supported by the latest empirical research, all made easily understandable by a wealth of issues and applications. In addition, new theoretical developments have been incorporated to keep the text up-to-date. The balanced coverage of trade and finance features updated material on the multinational enterprise, the political economy of trade controls, the outcome of the Uruguay Round of international tariff negotiations, and the new World Trade Organization. Also, there are entirely new discussions on the Eastern European economies in transition, trade policies, and the development of newly industrialized countries

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