Ken Schoolland este profesor asociat de economie si stiinte politice la Universitatea Hawaii Pacific si presedinte al Societatii Internationale pentru Libertatea Individuala (International Society for Individual Liberty – ISIL). Cartea sa, Aventurile lui Jonathan Gullible: O odisee liber-schimbista, ilustreaza intr-un mod extrem de accesibil principiile fundamentale ale economiei de piata, fiind tradusa si publicata in peste 40 de tari si primind numeroase premii internationale. Aventurile lui Jonathan Gullible: O odisee liber-schimbista se regaseste astazi in emisiuni de radio, in discutii si dezbateri scolare, concursuri de eseuri, productii de film si teatru, seriale din reviste si de pe internet, si in desene animate din intreaga lume.
"A folosi forta guvernului pentru a impune altora propria ta viziune nu e nimic altceva decat lene intelectuala, care in mod obisnuit are consecinte neintentionate si perverse. Pentru a avea o societate cu adevarat libera trebuie sa ai curajul sa gandesti, sa vorbesti si sa actionezi – mai ales atunci cand este mult mai simplu sa nu faci nimic."
"Cărarea devenise ceva mai largă şi continua să şerpuiască prin desişul junglei. Soarele amiezii devenea tot mai fierbinte, când ajunse la marginea unui mic lac. Pe când lua puţină apă să se răcorească, Jonathan auzi o voce prevenindu-l, “Eu n-aş bea-o dacă aş fi în locul tău.”
Jonathan privi în jur şi văzu un bătrân aşezat în genunchi pe mal, curăţând câţiva peştişori. Lângă banca lui veche se afla un coş şi trei undiţe fixate în noroi, cu sforile aruncate în apă. “Merge pescuitul?” întrebă Jonathan politicos.
Fără să se sinchisească să se uite la el, bătrânul răspunse oarecum morocănos, “Nu. Prichindeii ăştia sunt tot ce am prins astăzi.” Tăie peştii în bucăţi şi îi aruncă într-o tigaie fierbinte pusă deasupra unui foc. Peştii care sfârâiau în tigaie miroseau delicios.
Jonathan, el însuşi un pescar iscusit, întrebă, “Ce momeală folosiţi?”
Ken Schoolland
Ken Schoolland is presently an Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science at Hawaii Pacific University. He is an economist, academic, author, and political commentator. Schoolland is also a member of the Board of Directors for the International Society for Individual Liberty, and a Sam Walton Fellow for Students in Free Enterprise.
Following his graduate studies at Georgetown University, Schoolland served as an international economist in the U.S. International Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and on assignment to the White House Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations under President Gerald Ford. Schoolland left government for the field of education, teaching business and economics at Sheldon Jackson College in Alaska and then at Hakodate University in Japan. Prior to his current responsibilities, Ken Schoolland was also the Director of the Master of Science in Japanese Business Studies program at Chaminade University of Honolulu and head of the Business and Economics Program at Hawaii Loa College.
Ken Schoolland recently served as the Senior Economics Adviser to Hawaii congressional candidate Daniel Brackins
- Shogun's Ghost: The Dark Side of Japanese Education, published in both English and Japanese
- The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible, a children's book that focuses on teaching the basic principles of economics, government intervention, and the free-market through stories. It has been translated into multiple languages and it is used today in Middle School and Primary schools all over the world. The story has even been adopted into many different forms, everything from live action place to graphic animations. The story has swept the world in many languages and in many forms.
In 1988 and 1990, Ken Schoolland ran for the office of United States Senator for Hawaii as a Libertarian candidate. In 1998 Schoolland received 8,948 votes, for 2.8% of the vote. In 1990 he received 4,787 votes, for 1.37% of the total vote.
In 2008 Schoolland added his name as a signatory to the Academics for Ron Paul petition and website, declaring his support for the 2008 presidential candidate.
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