Речници. Енциклопедии

Dictionary of the Underworld

Wordsworth Collection

Автор(и) : Eric Partridge

Издател : Wordsworth Editions Ltd.

Място на издаване : Hertfordshire, UK

Година на издаване : 1995

ISBN : 1-85326-361-3

Брой страници : 804

Език : английски


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In 1950, Partridge produced A Dictionary of the Underworld, British and American, Being the Vocabulary of Crooks, Criminals, Racketeers, Beggars and Tramps, Convicts, the Commercial Under-World, the Drug Traffic, the White Slave Traffic, and Spivs, one of the first major works to apply scholarly methods to the study of street language. Terms covered include short-hand names for jails, prisons and run-ins with the law, the jargon of criminal activities, including prostitution and narcotics dealing, and the colorful language of itinerants, such as "alberts," the Australian tramps' name for rags they used to wrap their feet when they lacked the money for socks, or "alley apple," an early twentieth-century American term for a brick or piece of pavement that could be thrown during a street fight.

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