Политически науки

Freedom Betrayed

How America Led a Global Democratic Revolution, Won the Cold War and Walked Away

Автор(и) : Michael Ledeen

Издател : AEI Press

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1996

ISBN : 978-0-844-73992-2

Брой страници : 171

Език : английски


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In Freedom Betrayed, Michael Ledeen weaves together key moments in the fall of communism with the skill of a born storyteller. His insider's knowledge of the interplay of complex personalities and Byzantine strategies makes a compelling narrative - a narrative enlivened by his wit and flair for the dramatic.
He observes that just when democracy seemed everywhere triumphant - with the fall of antidemocratic regimes in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa - our leaders failed those fledgling democracies, first by misunderstanding the monumental achievement of that triumph and second by not providing the political, legal, and entrepreneurial know-how and support the new democrats so desperately needed.

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