Обществено-политически науки

From Parchment to Power

How James Madison used the Bill of rights to save the Constitution

Автор(и) : Robert A. Goldwin (editor)

Издател : The AEI Press

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1997

ISBN : 0-8447-4012-8

Брой страници : 213

Език : Английски


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In this book, renowned constitutional historian and AEI resident scholar Robert A. Goldwin tells the story of how and why Madison went from skeptic to advocate of a bill of rights, and how he single-handedly maneuvered his amendments through a reluctant Congress. Goldwin reveals how James Madison thought through, and then implemented, a design to put the Constitution on the firmest possible foundation, a foundation of popular support so solid that the Constitution of the United states has lasted incomparably longer than any other in the world.

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