
Inclined to Liberty

The Futile Attempt to Suppress the Human Spirit

Автор(и) : Louis E. Carabini

Издател : Ludwig von Mises Institute

Място на издаване : Auburn, Alabama, USA

Година на издаване : 2008

ISBN : 978-1-933550-29-9

Брой страници : 112

Език : английски


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Inclined to Liberty is the FAQ of libertarian philosophy. It’s a great way to answer the more personal questions that are sure to be the focal point of any casual discussion of libertarian principles. For example, Carabini covers, in some detail, what exactly is inequality and if it is really a bad thing? Does the accumulation of wealth make you bad? What about people that just seem to be born with all the luck and those that seem to be in desperate need of it?
In a clear and concise manner, Carabini tackles these issues and more, making Inclined to Liberty a great book for those approaching the subject for the first time. This is a good and bad thing; good because it’s immensely accessible, bad because you will find yourself repeatedly giving away your copy to friends.

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