История на икономическата мисъл

Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion

Автор(и) : Michael Cloud

Издател : The Advocates for Self-Government

Място на издаване : Cartersville, GA, USA

Година на издаване : 2004

ISBN : 0-9754326-1-3

Брой страници : 240

Език : английски


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Libertarianism is 24-carat pure gold. But most of the time we can't even give it way.
Why? Why isn't everyone desperately seeking freedom? Why are so many people indifferent? Why are many others opposed to liberty? And why have so many people just given up? Because no one has opened their eyes to the possibility of liberty. No one has touched their hearts with the intense desirability of liberty. No one has reached their minds with the principled and practical wisdom of liberty.
"Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion" solves these problems. "Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion" gives you the keys to opening people's hearts and minds to liberty.

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