The Guide to Reform
How policymakers can pursue real change, achieve great results and win re-elections
Автор(и) : Johnny Munkhammar
Издател : Timbro/Institute of Economic Affairs
Място на издаване : Stockholm, Sweden
Година на издаване : 2007
ISBN : 978-0-255-36618-2
Брой страници : 280
Език : английски
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“The Guide to Reform” addresses a fundamental issue in today’s policy debate:
“We all know what to do, but we don‘t know how to get re-elected once we have done it.”
This simple statement by Jan-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, throws light on a key political conundrum. Why have proven successful reforms not spread like a grass fire from country to country?
The purpose of this book is to solve this alleged mystery. The fact is that many purported political obstacles to reform are not obstacles at all. For example, almost all reform-embracing governments in OECD countries have been re-elected – at least once.
It is also untrue that liberalising reforms have socially adverse consequences; on the contrary, incomes and employment have often increased the most in low-income groups.
The common view that an economic crisis is a necessary catalyst for reform is also a myth. Crises often lead to harmful policies. Moreover, a number of countries have reformed in good times.
This book shows that all OECD countries need reforms – to varying degrees. It also reveals a broad consensus among experts concerning the direction those reforms should take. We visit more than a dozen reform countries, and describe the astonishing results.
Every country has its opponents to reform – from those who generally resist change to special interest groups. But these obstacles can be overcome; it’s all about strategy. This book offers hands-on tips on how to get it done.
The main aim is to inspire policymakers to embrace reforms that lead generally to progress and specifically to wealth creation. Timbro has published this book in association with the Institute of Economic Affairs.
"“The art of economic reform is one of the most difficult in modern politics. Most politicians do not understand what they need to do, when it should be done, and in which sequence they need to do it. In this well-written book Johnny Munkhammar provides important answers.”
“Well done! Comprehensive, but clear and understandable – and very useful. Not only to inspire politicians’ commitment to reform but also to help people understand why reforms are good for their country and for them.”
Johnny Munkhammar
Johnny Munkhammar (1974 - 2012) is an analyst and commentator specialised in political and economic affairs, more specifically free-market reforms, globalisation, labour markets, European integration and foreign policy. He is affiliated with several think-tanks and policy institutes in Europe and the United States, including Timbro, Centre for European Policy Analysis and European Enterprise Institute.
Mr. Munkhammar holds a Masters Degree from Uppsala University, Sweden, where he majored in political science and minored in economics and economic history.
European Dawn is the most recent of Mr. Munkhammar’s five books. He has additionally contributed to numerous books, including 2007 Index of Economic Freedom, as well as to a range of studies and policy papers.
Mr. Munkhammar is a member of several societies and networks that engage in international economic and political matters. He is a sought-after speaker and panellist, appearing at conferences, corporations, institutes and universities across Europe and the United States.
Previously, Mr. Munkhammar has served as a senior adviser at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, leader writer at several local daily newspapers in Sweden, as well as a partner at a public affairs firm.
A frequent commentator and contributor to broadcast and print media, Mr. Munkhammar has also published hundreds of op-eds in leading international publications.
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