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Екип Световна банка
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Автор(и) : Françoise Hay , Christian Milelli , Yunnan Shi
Издател : Sussex Academic Press
Място на издаване : Eastbourne, UK
Година на издаване : 2011
ISBN : 978-1-84519-508-3
Брой страници : 91
Език : английски
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
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This book investigates the presence of Chinese and Indian companies in Europe and the impact that the current global financial crisis has had on their corporate behavior and strategies. Have investments been canceled or postponed? Has the crisis created new opportunities for investment? Is the behavior of Chinese and Indian firms similar in these circumstances? In addressing these questions, the authors used a proprietary database encompassing more than 1,500 investments - greenfield operations, mergers-and-acquisitions, joint ventures, and horizontal/vertical extensions - made throughout Europe by companies from China (both mainland China and Hong Kong) and India since the 1990s. Comparisons are made according to several criteria - e.g. spatial patterns, modes of entry, sector, and function distribution - to pinpoint differences and likenesses. In addition, face-to-face interviews were conducted in order to elaborate congruent case studies in traditional sectors (textile/clothing), or in new sectors (software for Chinese companies).
The crisis has had an impact on both investors in the following terms: lower amounts of investment, more merger-and-acquisition deals in absolute and relative terms, more focus on the largest economies (particularly the UK), a targeting of specific assets, critical technologies, international management capability, renowned brands, and sale networks. In conclusion, in the years following the global financial crisis, Indian investments in Europe have been more significantly affected than Chinese investments, due, to a large extent, to Chinese companies' support from the State.
Françoise Hay has a PhD in economics (Rennes) and a general interest in Asian Economics for both their national development and their integration in the global economy. Over the last few years, her research has focused on the internationalization of Chinese companies worldwide along with their drivers and strategies in Europe.
Chrisian Milelli has a PhD in economics (Paris). His research interests include growth regime, globalization and FDI with a focus on North-East Asia. Over the last years, his research has focused on the rise of multinational companies originating from China and India. He has various publications in these topics.
Yunnan Shi has a PhD in economics (Rennes) and a general interest in Chinese economy and its foreign economic relations. He has co-edited with F. Hay two research books (in French, Rennes Academic Press): “The rise of power of the Chinese economy” (2005), and “China: forces and weakness of an expanding economy” (2006).
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