Обществено-политически науки

The Old Regime and the French Revolution


Автор(и) : John W. Boyer, Julius Kirshner

Издател : The University of Chicago Press

Място на издаване : Chicago, USA

Година на издаване : 1987

ISBN : 0-226-06949-4

Брой страници : 465

Език : Английски


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Описание на книгата Откъс от книгата За автора

Not everything in Athens was by a vote, they also cast lots for city jobs.
The law and customs are given in reading from classic texts and poems.
The idea of a citizen having "rights" in the running of the city-state goes back to Athens. Before in ancient that ordinary people pretty much had the right to pay taxes and serve in the military, except in smaller villages that had some representation or elective leadership?
That Greek society was as successful as it was made the Roman model their system partly on it. We got the ideas of democracy and representation from an English distortion of these classic laws.

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