Икономики в преход

The Transition from Socialism in Eastern Europe

Domestic Restructuring and Foreign Trade

Автор(и) : Arye L. Hillman, Branko Milanovic

Издател : Тhe World Bank

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1992

ISBN : 0-8213-2148-Х

Брой страници : 345

Език : английски


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In researching the economy of Yugoslavia and of the transition from Communism to a more capitalist form of economy, this book will serve one relatively well for a surface overview of the countries in question, particularly the former Yugoslavia, Poland and Hungary. However, once you dig below the surface, one will find that the information offered, while erudite and well written, is somewhat biased and not necessarily complete. This, of course, is if you are really digging.

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